Supportive Methods
- Funding
According to the performance, the projects will receive funding support from CSC Foundation, categorized in 3 levels according to different situations:
1.Regular Projects- LevelProject BonusProject Type
Level 1
1,000-10,000 USDNew projects designed by new developersLevel 1
10,000-50,000 USDDevelopers with certain project experience and innovations in DApp technology and contentLevel 1
50,000-100,000 USDDevelopers with mature project experience and excellent innovations in DApp technology and content
- LevelProject Bonus & Project Type
Level 1
1,000-10,000 USDNew projects designed by new developersLevel 1
10,000-50,000 USDDevelopers with certain project experience and innovations in DApp technology and contentLevel 1
50,000-100,000 USDDevelopers with mature project experience and excellent innovations in DApp technology and content
2.Projects with Strategic CooperationReceive at least 200,000 USD of funding support in the name of CoinEx Smart Chain - Funding + Publicity
We will select high-quality projects amongst those that have already received our funding support, and further support them with the publicity resources. The arrangements are as follows:
- TypeProject CategoryOur Support
- ADeFi
(Lending, EVM, Dex, Assets, Cross-chain, Derivations, Yield Aggregator)CSC will provide with a batch of liquidity funding plus media support - BFundamental Facilities
(Dev tools, Wallets, Mining Pools etc)CSC will provide with media support, publicity via official channels and SNS promotional support
- Funding + Publicity + Ecology
All-round ecological support will be provided to the mature and quality projects, aside from funding and publicity support:
- Funding
- Media
- Community
- Brand Reveal on Official Website
- Priority Listing on Exchange (Issuance project): Fast Listing + Low/Zero Fees
- Liquidity Mining Support (AMM)
- Funds from ViaBTC Capital
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